Botox is arguably the most well known aesthetic treatment available on the market today. Botox injections mainly reduce the appearance of facial wrinkles, no matter if they are located on your forehead, around your eyes or even around your lips. Botox has also been proven to effectively treat certain medical conditions like neck spasms, excessive sweating and chronic migraines. A main reason for Botox being so well known, is because of its effectiveness. However, like most other treatments there are steps you will need to take after your appointment to help ensure your treatment works efficiently and effectively. In case you are unfamiliar with Botox aftercare, we outline 5 frequently asked questions about Botox aftercare below.

What should I not do after my Botox appointment?

Botox injections are known to be relatively harmless, but there is a chance you experience some side effects if you do certain activities after your treatment. To start, it is best that you not rub or massage the injection site for at least 4 hours after your treatment. Another activity that may cause you to experience adverse side effects is exercising excessively within 24 hours after your treatment. One last activity that is best to avoid during the few hours after your treatment is lying down on your front. It is best to stay upright and keep your head elevated immediately after your treatment.

When can I go back to my normal exercise routines?

According to professionals, it is best to not do any exercise within 24 hours of completing your treatment. With that being said, there are a few exercises that are acceptable after 4 hours of your appointment. These exercises include walking, jogging, light yoga where you stay upright and gardening. The exercises that are prohibited after 24 hours of your treatment are weight training, cross-training, running and intense yoga where your body is inverted.

What are possible side effects of Botox?

There are three common possible side effects when receiving Botox treatments. A common side effect that people may experience is minor bruising at the injection site, this bruising typically goes away within a few days.. Another potential side effect is small bumps along your skin that are small but visible. This may sound scary, but they disappear almost instantly. The last side effect that many people may experience is headaches. These can be easily treated with over the counter medication. Most patients do not experience any side effects, if you do experience any side effects after you treatment, let you physician know.

When is the best time to start drinking alcohol after my treatment?

Most doctors specializing in aesthetic treatments suggest that individuals should not drink any alcohol for 24 hours before and after their Botox treatment. There are many reasons why alcohol is prohibited during this time period, but the main reason is because alcohol can make your blood thinner, which can increase the chances of experiencing bruising as well as bleeding from the injection points.

Can Botox treatments last for a long time?

Botox treatments are not permanent and follow up appointments are required to maintain the youthful appearance Botox provides. Many patients schedule their appointments well in advance to ensure they can maintain the results. On average Botox treatments last anywhere between 12 to 16 weeks. It is possible though for these treatments to last longer, it all depends on the individual and how their body deals with the treatment.

Above we highlighted 5 frequently asked questions about Botox treatments, if you have any further questions, feel free to contact our clinic or schedule a no obligation consultation.