You eat right, work out, and stay healthy. Yet, you still have a muffin top, love handles, or other stubborn fat rolls. You want to shape your body, but you don’t want surgery. If this sounds all too familiar, don’t worry. Dr. Pepple and the Silverado Medical & Aesthetic Clinic team have a beautiful solution. You can freeze your fat away with Coolsculpting, available right here at our practice in Calgary.


The number and location of fat cells in the human body remain relatively stable throughout adulthood. Unlike skin cells, they do not die off and grow back. When you gain weight, those cells enlarge to accommodate more fat. The opposite occurs when you lose weight. However, you still have about the same number of cells, in the same places.

What happens if there is a large number of fat cells concentrated in one area? Chances are, that spot will always hold a disproportionate amount of fat, creating a bulge even if your body is slim. These pockets can occur virtually anywhere, but some of the most common include:

  • Submental region (double chin)
  • Abdomen (muffin top)
  • Flanks (love handles)
  • Shoulders (bra fat)
  • Legs (hips and thighs)


CoolSculpting utilizes a scientifically proven technology known as cryolipolysis. It uses noninvasive techniques to lower the temperature of targeted tissue, which effectively breaks down fat cells. The body gradually metabolizes and eliminates these damaged cells, and they generally do not grow back. Although the process is gradual, the result is a permanent reduction of fat in the treated area.

The many benefits of this innovative technology include:

  • CoolSculpting is noninvasive, so it does not have the risks associated with surgical treatments such as liposuction or body lifts.
  • There is no downtime after a CoolSculpting procedure, and most patients don’t experience significant side effects.
  • Because the procedure is so gentle and comfortable, you won’t need pain medication or anesthesia.
  • Due to the noninvasive nature and minimal side effects, CoolSculpting is safe for most patients.
  • The effectiveness of CoolSculpting has been scientifically proven in clinical studies.
  • Because CoolSculpting reduces the number of fat cells in the treatment area, patients can maintain the results without changes in diet and exercise habits.


We begin with a one on one consultation, during which we will learn about your concerns, discuss various options, and answer your questions. If you decide that CoolSculpting is the right choice for you, we will move forward and create a personalized treatment plan. Depending on your needs, we may recommend a single treatment, or a series of CoolSculpting sessions. Appointments are usually scheduled a few weeks apart in order to maximize the effectiveness.

The procedure generally takes less than an hour per area. However, some patients wish to have multiple areas treated, which requires longer appointments. We will discuss this in advance so that you can plan accordingly.

The actual procedure begins with application of a gel pad, which provides a protective barrier between your skin and the CoolSculpting device. Next, the fatty area is isolated by suctioning it into the CoolSculpting applicator, allowing precision chilling. You might feel a tugging or pinching sensation, tingling, and intense cold. Some patients also report mild cramping. These sensations are very temporary, because the area quickly becomes numb. The process is comfortable enough that many people read, listen to music, or check their emails.


After a CoolSculpting session, you might notice some swelling, bruising, or redness in the treatment area. Additionally, the area might feel odd for a short time, with possible numbness, itching, tingling, or other sensations. These effects are typically mild, and they should fade away within a few days or weeks.

The results of treatment will develop gradually. Many patients begin to notice visible improvement as soon as three weeks after the first treatment. For most people, the full results are apparent within about two months after the final CoolSculpting session. The treated fat cells are permanently destroyed, for long term body shaping.

Does CoolSculpting sound like the solution you’ve been seeking? Just give us a call at (844) 314-4891 to schedule a consultation to find out if fat freezing is right for you.